The Great American Beauty Pageant

February 16th, 20087:32 pm @

Of course I am talking about the Presidential election. I’ve always thought it to be very similar to a beauty pageant. The candidates put on their best smile, answer questions with rehearsed lines, and try to be as congenial as possible in public but secretly plot to bring down their competition… just as in pageants. While I do think the elections are important I do not get caught up in the hype. These days you can not get the facts. The media twists everything that is said and heard. I turn the channel. People at work want to put their two cents in. I tune out. We are pummeled with “information” and told to “Vote or Die” but you never see them trying to teach people how to make an educated vote. And if you know anything about the voting process you would realize that your vote doesn’t really count. It’s the electoral college’s vote that counts. While I do think there are sincere people running for president, such as Barack Obama, I don’t think that even he can make the changes needed in this country. Not until the government can really be run by the people for the people instead by corporations for the corporations. I aslo get a little put off by the statement “God Bless America”. What about the rest of the world? Should we really encourage a mentality of separating ourselves from the rest of the world? I identify myself as a human first and foremost. I of course have nothing against America, it’s a lot better than some places in this world. But can you imagine the changes we can make if we came together as a human race and removed the barriers that are caused by being in different countries or apart of different cultures? It would be astounding! So I hope that people can overcome any bias they may have because their parents or grand-parents where of one political party or another and really look at the candidates for what they offer. It should be an interesting race. Someone please let me know what happens…