And it begins again

June 7th, 20054:42 pm @

I’m on this new self-discipline kick and its going quite well. I will give up sex for a year!!!

I said it and my lady proved me a liar. At least we found a new use for the yoga ball.

Six Flags and NY for the summer, things should be fun if I find the money.

Aden is getting bigger and smiling even more (if possible). We spend alot of time together and we both love it!

Its getting hot outside and sleeping naked is fun.

Aden isn’t liking the heat as much so it’ll probably be naked time for him too.

I want a new job, I grow bored of boredom.

Laurie and Molly come over alot more now and keep Aden and me company and play Halo. And we played gamecube last night, Mario Kart Baby!!!

Things are gonna change soon so I’d better enjoy it while it lasts.

I messed up my knee on my last “outing”.

My diet is working and my body is gaining more muscle.

My lady got hit on by Jason Giambi so……….I guess I should be honored or something?

I’m almost finished with my new song, I’ll be using the instrumental from Gwen Stefani – Holla Back Girl. I’ll probably post it up here if there is any interest. And expect the remix with JV coming soon.

I’ve been thinking alot about the past lately……………..