The First Step

August 21st, 201011:05 pm @

The First Step

The First Step

I’ve run it through my mind a million different times
Rearranged the words into a million different rhymes
It still sounds good and makes sense so why not act?
The theory has been proven so why not take it as fact?
Is it doubt that stays my feet preventing my step?
Or is it fear of that inevitable misstep?
Is it better to walk carefully making sure not to slip?
Or to enjoy the spin of the dance not fearing the trip?
I don’t make mistakes my guard stays up against that
My errors are low and it helps cut the problemic fat
If I fail, I learn from it and never repeat
I accepted my F, I never did cheat
But for every up there’s a down I’m losing something here
Something’s driving me crazy and it doesn’t know how to steer
I played good boy, never took the chance of messing up
I learned being the bigger man only gets you a more dented cup
But when you think your in the right, you can handle more abuse
You wanna flip people the bird but you suck it up and tighten your albatross of a noose
Self pity is your friend and you bring him everywhere
Somehow it makes you better than others and you tend not to care.
You accept unfair as the norm and play the righteous martyr
Grit your teeth trying to deal and offer up your morals as the barter
You start to question yourself wondering if your right is wrong
Moral compass spinning you into a place you don’t belong
Your bothered by little things out of place wanna-be perfection is a curse
You bi-polar yourself as the cure and pull the lever hard in reverse
Being right doesn’t matter anymore, being real matters more
Authentic is all thats seen there is no ceiling or floor
Its just the first step, many more are to come
Another beat on the drum and the dance has just begun