The Key to the Cage

June 4th, 200910:45 pm @

The Key to the Cage


First of all let me say that I love my job. Not because because of the cool stuff I do or because of the pay or even because of the flexibility of my how and when I work. All that stuff is great and for that I like my job. I LOVE my job because of the change in mindset that comes with it. Before, I was forced to work within a box and by certain rules no matter how stupid and counterproductive they seemed. In my new job the coin is flipped and I have to forget about all of the rules I learned and start thinking outside of the box that my previous employer forced me to work in. My new goal is to get the job done and how I do it is up to me. Its taken me a while to get used to my newfound freedom. But more than that, its taking a little while to get used to this feeling of not having anybody over my shoulder watching my every move. This feeling that, sink or swim, that its all on me. I love this scary freedom and the self-discovery that it has required of myself. I can’t play it safe anymore, I have to put up or shut up. Its like through this job, I have found the keys to the cage where my inner beast is locked away. Its like a rebirth of who I see myself as and what I am capable of. Almost like meeting my true self for the first time. I feel that I will have to change a few things around in my life to fit with the new me. An upgrade, if you will of what I need, want, and who I surround myself with. This is going to be interesting…