Got What I Wanted (Part 2)

September 1st, 200812:46 am @

Got What I Wanted (Part 2)

I dreamed about you every night before even knowing your face

In my romantic kitchen of idealistic needs and wants, I imagined your grace

My ideal woman, I cooked you up in my mind

The perfect woman, way better than any other kind

So good in fact, I shuttered when we met

If my dream girl was pulled out of my mind and it was you that I’d get

It was one thing for you to exist, another to like me

One to a million lottery odds for us to fight but still agree

We both threw on the charm and stole each other hearts

Seeing eye to eye on everything, even the vision charts

You were young but still wise enough not to let the hating hurt

And though you got buried, you never slang any dirt

The little man loved your playful spirit and how you liked to have fun

The only woman I ever brought around that was accepted by my son

I thought I had all the ingredients in the pot for the perfect lady

You were smart, funny, nice, spiritual, loving, but a little shady

I mixed all of you up and added some spice

Baked you for 2 months and thought that would suffice

But no, something was missing, the taste was empty

I put my chef’s hat down, sat and thought about it rather deeply

The missing piece was found but a deeper problem discovered

I could fix everything in search of the perfect taste but another would be uncovered

So getting what I truly wanted would never happen, perfection is unattainable

I would be happy with you for a little while but it wouldn’t be sustainable

The dish was perfect, it was the chef who was flawed

Because he searched for someone who was ultimately a fraud

To be happy with what you have and make it perfect to you

Is now his new goal and what I will do

Only by getting what I wanted would the lesson have been learned

Even if in the process I ended up getting burned