Top 10 Quotes: #7 – “To fear…

August 7th, 20088:51 am @

Top 10 Quotes: #7 – “To fear…


“To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.” ~Bertrand Russell

I enjoy this quote mainly because for a long time I did fear love.  With the situation I grew up in, what I knew of love wasn’t even close to what it should be considered.  I spent a long time thinking that love was nothing more than a cat and mouse sort of game that should be enjoyed while played and hidden in the box in the closet when you’re  bored with it.  Possibly to be played again, but most likely not.  I would mold myself, depending on the person I was dating, to be whatever that person that thought was the “perfect” match.  I had fun while it lasted, and then got bored and moved on.  Sad isn’t it?  I think I feared love up until about two years ago, when I suddenly found myself pregnant.  Learning the love that you can have for something that you can’t even see, was my rude awakening.  I miscarried that child, which I have now learned was for very good reasons (God knew what he was doing), but the feeling of love will never go away.  I now understand that love is something that should be shared with someone who spends the time to love you enough to get to know who you really are.  It’s still a scary idea to me, but I do agree that if you fear love, you fear life.  And that if you fear life, then you’ll never really experience all the joys of it.