Top 10 Quotes: #8- “I find it fascinating…

August 6th, 20088:03 am @

Top 10 Quotes: #8- “I find it fascinating…


“I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.” ~Jim Rohn

I have always found the idea of vacations fascinating, but this kind of puts a new light on it.  Because everytime in my life when I have said I need a vacation, I have never thought of it as an escape.  When Jim Rohn really has a point… instead of thinking I need to get away, the thought process really should be how can I change this for the better.  If I do decide to take a vacation, I will have vacation planned so that I make sure I don’t forget anything, or miss anything.  But I don’t plan my life like that.  I like this quote because it reminds me that instead of getting away from all the stress and problems of life, it’s better to find a way to change it for the better.  It’s a plan that benefits me a lot longer!  🙂

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