This is what life should be like

May 29th, 200811:06 pm @

I love this! I just got my first unemployment check yesterday. Now granted I worked my ass off the last year and probably deserve this time off, I had no idea it would be this good. Its I live at a spa or something. Here is a usual day for me:

  1. Depending on if I have Aden, I go for my very early morning walk. I throw the headphones on and let my legs do the walking. I usually meditate and just wander around while thinking about stuff. It really is great to just wake up and go somewhere without having to. Fuck Foldgers, this is the best part of waking up.
  2. After I get home its time for my morning workout on ….. wait for it……….Wii Fit! Yea I waited in line for an hour before Best Buy opened to get one and it was worth it. I haven’t been in this much shape since Aden was still in the belly. I loves it. Now I could go on and on about how great Wii Fit is but I’ll spare ya.
  3. After working up a sweat, its time for to eat. Since I’ve been on my vacation, I don’t eat nearly as much even though I’m twice as active and engaged. During my only meal of the day, I usually read or watch whatever movie I downloaded. If not, then I’m working on a computer, writing, or other creative stuff.
  4. If I don’t fall asleep from the movie or the reading, I’m off for another walk. I loves my walks. I don’t think its about walking, because I usually go out to ponder and walking helps for some reason.
  5. By this time of day, my niece and nephew are getting home from school and we go on a …….yea you guessed it, a walk probably to the park to play. After that, its more Wii Fit, or other video games or movie.
  6. The sun is going down at this point, and I tend to wind down time with friends.

Once again, everything depends on if Aden is with me. Which makes everything better and the naps longer.

More than anything, life is pretty simple and I have time to focus my mind on things that really matter (like getting rid of my ego). Going back to work is what I really want to do but I’m starting to see what I really want.