The Funny Thing About Money

February 3rd, 200810:14 am @

Last night I decided to venture out to “some place new” aka Concord   We went to this Sports Bar which of course was packed due to the game. I did my usual routine of scoping out the place to see which areas to focus on for my favorite activity of people watching. I immediately noticed an older gent (and I do mean older) sitting at the bar making googly eyes at me. Okay. I suddenly got this thought that this dude actually thinks I might be interested in him. So we all know that usually if a young female is with an older male that money is typically involved. I automatically knew what angle he would try to pull with me. Whatever. I continued to have fun with my friends and I actually watched about 5 minutes of the football game! Another one of our friends who is from Concord joined us shortly after and actually knew the older guy from just around town. I saw her talking with  him and then looking over at me. Uh oh. Then she comes back and says “My friend would like to meet you”. Again, okay. Then the people I was with threw me under the bus and were saying oh just be polite blah blah blah. Why doesn’t he be polite and leave me alone? I mean this dude is 4 times my age and I KNOW he is going to try to impress me with money. So after putting up a short fight I went over because God forbid if I look rude. I don’t even remember the guy’s name. All I know is that he launches into a story about him being a photographer and lists all these “celebrities” he has photographed. Yea I had heard of a few, but they were mostly Nascar drivers and country singers. Good for him. He then gives me 2 pictures of Nascar drivers. Thank you. He also tells me that he is representing 3 up and coming country singers. He gives me a picture of one them. Again, thanks. He then asks me if I know what a limo is. Um, yes. Well he has a limo and I can use it to take 6 of my friends to whatever concerts I want and he will pick up the tab. I just have to call him anytime. Again, good for YOU. I felt bad for this dude because I know people probably take advantage of him. Enter this young girl to my right. She says to the older man “Are you cheating on me??”. Oh goodness. This is my cue to leave. Me: “It was really nice meeting you.” I return to my friends with my pictures in hand.

I can’t believe people actually still use money to impress other people. I’m sure some people are impressed, but anyone with half a brain wouldn’t be. Most of the time the person  bragging about their money doesn’t have as much as they say and if they did they should have the class not to talk about their money with other people!

Just thought I’d share my funny story