So funny I had to have a smoke after

January 17th, 20082:38 am @

I decided today that I have two passions. Art and Taxes. I’m a quirky one, thats for sure but I love them both. But let me define. Taxes is pretty self explanatory, I love everything about them, the way you can play with the numbers to your advantage or use them to screw somebody and have it all be legal its like playing God with the government’s money.

Now art isn’t all that easy to define but I’ll try. For me it can be a simple poem, or an elaborate painting, even a simple song. My favorite pieces of art are usually photographs. No, I take that back, its photographs and people. Yes, people can be art. People are actually the ultimate art to me. My son Aden for instance, just watching him run around, play, and explore is more captivating to me than anything I’ve ever seen. I get lost watching him sometimes. Actually you don’t just watch him, you experience him. Its more a feeling that can’t simply be limited to a single sense. He is inspiration. I don’t write about him a lot because it isn’t a challenge. He just exhumes amazing. Now granted I’m a very proud papa talking but he really is steroids for my creative muscle. I love my baby boy.

These are just two things that bring me bliss. I suggest you find your bliss, the thing that puts a smile on your face or in your mind, the thing, things, people, places, or ideas that make you forget about everything else going on in your life. And if your like me about a year ago, just close your eyes are remember when you were most happy, live in that memory until you find a new one to move into. I hope my words helped someone out there.

Book of Benji Quote:

“A laugh is an orgasm for the soul”

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