Desiring Nothing = Possessing All

January 4th, 20083:38 am @

I was at work today on a personal call and had an epiphany or maybe just a duh moment. You all know that rule. The one that states that when your with someone, that everybody wants you and when you single, nobody does. Its been said a million different ways like, “a watched pot never boils.” Basically, whenever you want something, you can’t have it but once you don’t want it, it rains down from the heavens. We all know this rule to be as real as gravity but not treated as such. Which is why we wait to buy something until it goes on sale but that sale never comes around until we stop wanting it. Or how we think somebody is so hot/cute and want them so badly but can’t at the time. And they start wanting you once you don’t want them anymore. Quirky little system God setup eh? Its written in the book of Benji that, “when you let go of everything, you will possess all”. That had to be stolen from Buddha or something but I live by it. And in doing so, turned that cruel little rule into a fun game to play with the universe and other people who don’t know the rules but play by them.

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