For HipHop Sunday

October 28th, 20072:54 am @

Born To Be

Who were you born to be?
If you don’t know then turn the question right back at me

I was born to shine brighter than the sun in the savanna
Success and me are expected monkey with a banana

Because I was made by God, same as you
Thats why there’s no limit to what we can do

We’ve all sinned and come short of the glory
But thats not the end of my story

I Put my past behind me because I know that I’m cherished
I know that I’m destined for great things before I perish

I was born in his image so I smile in the mirror
And the more I think about it the more its made a little clearer

The way I see it, I was put here to win
Not to just struggle all my life and maybe make it to the end

I push forward in life, I don’t just hold my ground
I punch for knockouts, not just survive the round

I stand out in a crowd of 300 so just call me a Spartan
Never missing in action, I’m right there sayin Wazzzzup! Like Martin

And I’m just like you, we might as well be clones
So I don’t accept excuses or ya moans and groans

I’m this or I’m that, God can’t use me!
Well I’m just gonna pull out the bible and lets just see

Noah was a drunk and he still built the ark
Gathered 2 of each animal, well except for the shark

Abaraham was too old and he still fathered many nations
As numerous as the stars, counting that too concentration

Issac always had his head in the clouds and acted kinda aloof
Jacob may have had a coat of many colors but he still couldn’t tell the truth

Lia was ugly, Joeseph was abused,
Moses had a stuttering problem, what do you have to lose?

Gideon was a chicken, Samson had hair like a hippie
Rayhab had her own corner and did a little strippy strippy

Jonah ran from God and ended up finding Nemo
While Isaiah preached naked, imagine that on your TiVO

David was a murder and cheated on his wife
Elliajah was suicidal and tried to take his own life

Jerimiah was too young Zachius was too small
Naomi was a widown and Martha worried about it all

Peter denied Christ 3 times do you hear what I’m saying
Even the disciples fell asleep while praying

Job was broke and John the Baptist ate bugs
Timothy had an ulcer and all you need is a hug

And if that doesn’t convince you or leave your jaw droppin
God used Lazarus and he was dead, thats the final nail in the coffin

So I was born to get through all of this and more, my future burns bright
Because God is my father and Prosperity is my birthright