Guac Eyes Part 1

October 21st, 200710:56 pm @

He races through the sheets of rain down the road driving as cautious as one can at 95 in a thick fog, he loosens his necktie and begins to rerun the events of the day and how he made it to this point. His day started as regular as any other with a shower and cup of tea. His commute was slow due to the heavy traffic caused by an accident. He, as others in his situation tend to do, slowed and stared at the wreckage and the sobbing woman as he drove by. His eyes caught hers and his heart went out to her but only for a second. Unfair things happen all the time. That being a normal occurrence has a way of hardening one’s look at the world. He takes another sip of his tea as he makes it to work. It had been a hard day filled with irate clients in situations he could never begin to understand but was expected to pass judgment on. He had rules he had to play by and according to those rules, only certain people could be helped no matter what the circumstances. He never believed in what he did but had to take solace in the fact that he could at least help some. He always played by the rules because it was the position he accepted and he took duty seriously especially when it was self-assumed. Lunch soon came and hunger pains started to pull at his stomach as if his stomach was eating itself. It was noon and he was ready to feed his hunger but an extra client came in and his boss “persuaded” him to assist her before he left for lunch. As upset and hungry as he was, he was a professional, on the outside, on the inside however, he secretly hoped that she didn’t have everything that she needed so he could send her away. As he came back to his desk she was there waiting, clearly upset. Her eyes were still pink enough to tell that she had been crying for a while. He had crying clients before, it was nothing new and nothing he couldn’t handle. He avoided eye contact and was politically correct in dealing with her emotional state being careful not to get too close. But then it happened, the one thing that changed his day and started a chain of events that led him speeding down that road cutting through that think fog and rain. He looked at her in the eyes. Being the analytical man that he was, he was shocked to find such a sad beauty in her tear soaked eyes. He also noticed that her eyes were green like the inside of a avocado only twice as nice. They had a slight sparkle/glimmer to them that gave the impression that there was alot going on in her head. Needless to say, they were very pretty. He definitely thought so but would never show it. She started to tell her story, which people tend to do at his desk. He usually would try to cut her off but it gave him time and a reason to stare into her eyes. He started to feel compassion for her situation. Earlier that morning something terrible happened that she hesitated to reveal. To Be Continued……………

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