Do you think that I could be a professional killer?……

December 17th, 20066:40 am @

Its funny where life will take you.  Just a short 2 months ago I never thought I could feel like this again.  I feel like I did in 01.  I feel like I can go back.  Back home where I left myself.  Myself actually came to get me.  My mirror image, its me but kinda backwards and different.

I’m at work and she is sleeping on the floor, she just snored a little.  Can I save us?  Can I even save myself?  Time will tell.  I’m really being tested with her.  I guess this is fate’s cruel test to see if I’m ready for it.  How can another person be so much you that they’re not?  There isn’t a wise woman or oracle that can explain this to me. Is it a good or bad thing?  Is there such a thing as good or bad.  Is she ready for me?  Am i ready for her?  Why can I read her thoughts like they are my own?  Why is she teaching me faith in myself without trying?  Why is the world the way it is?

I deeply loved twice.

We both have secrets.  We will both end up spilling the beans.

I just started my new job today.  I’m an IRS guy.  And I’ll do the hell out of your taxes for free.

Whats up with J Roffy?  What is she going thru in life?

Why is Jack pushing when she needs to be pulling?

Where is Ellie’s band geek status gonna land her?

What is up with Aden’s additude lately?  Are the terrible twos finally upon us?

Whats up with me being so attactive to so many people?

Why is death note getting better and better with every episode?

Why is Lureatha looking so good all the time?

Why am I getting everything I want?

Why is smoking the only thing I fear?

Why is it that when I stare at Aden too long and remember when I first saw him that I tear up a little?

Why did that fashion show make me dream of great future?

Why were those oatmeal raisin and nut cookies the best ever?

Why ask why?