You just a hot mess

November 19th, 20055:34 am @

So today I lost the battle of fun vs work as I didn’t get finished with what I wanted to finish. Procrastination is the devil and I am his advocate. I did have alot of fun showing my business and thought alot about certain situations which are still pending. I also found out that Boozy dodged a big bullet. You would have thought that he would have learned from watching me, but as usual lessons are wasted on the young. I can’t really sleep right now and I can barely keep my eyes open, so you do the math because it ain’t adding for me. I’m thinking about starting in a massage school for the winter and taking off a semester to have some fun for a change. I for some reason don’t know myself to know what I actually enjoy doing. So if you would, could you please tell me what I like to do that doesn’t involve drugs, alcohol, or smoke? I would really appreciated it. Thanks
