Back again

September 2nd, 20053:49 am @

Well rachel and aden are finally back and not a second too soon. I thought I would love just some me time but it ended up being me and beer time. Oh well at least I finished that remix. Aden is big as hell! It’s amazing how much he grew in one week! I didn’t take advantage of my singleness. Not that I care. I had a great night last night. It gave me a taste of my old life. But my sprint down memory lane is over now. And I get to enjoy my better life now. That week did give me a chance to put things in perspective though. I’ve also decided that if she wants to move out, thats fine, but I won’t because I would rather not have to go thru the hassle of moving out and I’m happy right where I am. Well the little man, wait, the medium man is calling me for bed so I’d better answer so in the words of Molly “Peace out homies”

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