Let me show you a story

June 11th, 20054:12 pm @

I finally finished the Holla Back Summer song and recorded it this morning.  Its only a first draft now and when I finally finish it I’ll probably post it on here but until then enjoy my Picture Story………

So I woke up

And took a shit

Then I saw a troll

I eventually went to work and grew my hair out

Then put a hat on

I eventually got off work

And went to JV’s and Russ was at the front door swooning the ladies

Jarvis Laughed

And Laurie and Molly were there

People asked Laurie and me if we wanted to play Halo

And then out of the blue, Miles almost got hit by a fire engine

He was pretty shook up from it

But a lapdance put him back in a good mood

Then I started thinking

What if Miles could fly?

Then I knew that he would probably fall

Out of nowhere I dog jumped on me, but luckily Aden was there and put it in a headlock

He almost killed the dog so I had to hold him back

After he calmed down

I put him in his chair

Then combed his hair

Then some lady ran in our house and I got a picture of her before she jumped out the window into the night

We’ll find her though, she dropped her ID

Then Rachel tasted the air