Pour on the page

May 17th, 20055:54 am @

And the poems continue…

I was born in November, lucky to see December
So I write this all down so when life is all sweet, one day I’ll remember
Indecision clouds my mind, a fog seldom lifted
Only when the sandbox of emotions are suddenly shifted
These are the truest words I ever spoke or thought online
About certain people of a certain kind
Long nights are ahead longer days even worse
Jack Sparrow or the Black Pearl, either way I’m cursed
My mind wanders free, baby-induced insomnia takes hold
Naked with a keyboard for some reason I’m not cold
I’ve always had this talent, some call a gift
And created my false legend, most likely a myth
Many questions are raised, answers are not in sight
And the future seems anything but bright
I’m a man of many faces, most you can’t see
My real face hidden behind the O and the C
Tomorrow I will continue my tale
So make sure you are here without fail
Normal sentences bore me so from now on I only rhyme
Shine a dime, Lemon-lime on a sign, Rhyme crime with time
So before I am called to bed without putting up a fight
I bid you all sweet dreams and goodnight

The Daily Benji:
“I’ll write it all down so when life is all sweet one day I’ll remember”