Feelin a little lyrical

May 16th, 20051:03 pm @

I’m gonna freestyle a poem……
and for those who don’t know what freestylin is, don’t worry, in this context it only means that I can’t use the backspace.

Things have changed alot since I saw you last
I have a new lady, a baby, damn alot of time has past
Well actually only a year and some change
But in that time I’ve made a big change
I’ve seen things that I thought could only be imagined
Felt things that I I thought could never be challenged
But low and behold we always come full circle and I face you again
Nose to Nose, Breath to Breath, I now stand as a man
Alot wiser, less strong, but happier than before
Cause you have no idea what I have in store
I’ve found what I’ve searched for if only in small doses
I finally followed my heart and made some wrong choices
I regret nothing, for it all helped me come to this point
So when its all over and when Aden is asked where’s dad? He can just point
All the training is over, the plans are finished
The fear is all gone, the pain diminished
So do your worse but know that its nothing to me
I’ve been in your shoes but they didn’t fit me
I’m sorry for what I put you through
But there was always a chance for failure and you knew
This will be the end no more meeting, jobs, or missions
I’m done with the lies and deception. This is one of my final decisions
You might be reading this but most likey you won’t understand
Just know that I’ve gotten too fast for your quicksand
Too smart for your illusions, too wise for your lies
Too confident for your worries, and too quiet for your spies
Look into my eyes and realize that they’ve gotten warmer as well as colder
And more people know now so keep a watch over your shoulder
I’m not alone anymore so this time the numbers will be even
So when I win this time you’ll actually be leavin
I apologize no more, the guilt has been withdrawn
No more holding back, you won’t survive the til dawn
On the eve of battle is where a warrior’s soul burns the most bright
So lets drink the gas, light the match, and see who lasts thru the night
I have alot more to lose this time and even more to gain
So pull as hard as you can, you’ll never break this chain
This time I’ll stare at your sacrifice with an un-blinking eye
This time won’t be like the last, no tears left to cry
This time I’ll do what I want and not what I should
This time I won’t be sorry to do what I could
This time I will be honest and not swayed
This time that game won’t be played
This time emotions won’t matter, all distractions laid to rest
This time I have that #2 pencil and I’m ready for that test
This is your last song so prepare to sing it
For these are my last words, “Bring it!”

The Daily Benji:
“Some things you’ll see, some you won’t, but you’ll feel them all”