And the headaches keep marching two by two……..

May 9th, 20054:36 am @

In the words of JV, “My head be bangin!”
The 3 am meetings Aden and me have been having are finally starting to take their toll.
I’ll deal.

I tried to make Rach’s 1st Mothers Day special with some Coldstone since the videotape of Aden and me didn’t work out. Oh well……….HAPPY MOMMY’S DAY RACHEL!!!!

Work flew by tonight because I fell asleep and walked around campus (literally) with Jack and ended up watching the spot lights and getting scared of imaginary monsters.

I still believe that beating off could hurt, but if it feels as good as it supposedly does then I wouldn’t stop.

And I’m hearing from everybody except my lady that Jack want me to be her Jill……….LOL

Sometimes I’m glad that I plan 7 steps ahead and sometimes life gives ya a good kick in the nuts.

And now the first of many

The Daily Benji:

“Aden wasn’t planned but most miracles aren’t”