Questioning Myself

April 24th, 200512:37 am @

Well I’m getting a little more into tha LJ. I even put up a pic!

You ever wonder what runs through other people’s mind when they see you? Well whatever it is, they all either react either differently or completely the same. Why do we feel they way we feel and why to we put it online with things like LJ? Our loves, fustrations, successes, and failures. Do they all really matter in the long run? I care about everything in my life. And I care about damn near everybody I’ve ever met. Why will I never know what I really want? I have everything I could possibly want and more and am thankful, but why do I always thirst for more? Am I the only one who feels like this? I’m conflicting, I love being around people but, only want to be alone. I love being the center of attention but, only want to sneak away. I love to talk but, only want to listen. I love loving, but only want to hate. I love reading comments but, don’t want to ask for anybody to leave them.

Ok I’m through I think I’ll go record another song.
