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Gay Bars, Tattoos, and Piercings →  July 31, 2008

I learned three lessons from three topics on my night out…

If Only I Had Enough Hair →  July 29, 2008

So Aden and me are watching this movie called Hairspray. Many of you may have already seen it. Its a musical that deals with some racial and plus-sized girl (sorry, I couldn’t think of another phrase for it) issues under all of the dancing and singing. While Aden is sitting here loving it, I can’t […]

Sex Talk →  July 28, 2008

I promised myself when I started this site that I wouldn’t talk about sex or get too personal. Oh well, lets find out how deep the rabbit hole really goes…..

→  July 27, 2008

Now as a black man and a fan of hip hop and rap, I’m getting bored with it all. Bored of whats portrayed on TV of being black and liking hip hop and rap. Its too predictable I think. Today I walked into my brother’s room and he was watching BET and of course a […]

→  July 26, 2008

Our very own Dreamcatcher turned 25 and the picture above is what it would have looked like had we taken a picture together (I was wearing the same shirt). Happy Birthday you old coot you!

Temple To The Barrel (Part 2) →  July 8, 2008

His left hand holds his right over his mouth as the glass from the light rains to the floor resembling sparkles of moonlight. Symbolic of the life they once shared together. She shakes off the memories of them and checks the rest of her ammo. He always told her to carry extra and she usually […]

→  June 23, 2008

So, my family spent a day at the zoo on Saturday. It’s our yearly dad’s company picnic day where my mom and dad’s wish is nothing more than to have all five of the children there. (My step-dad) Because three out of the five of us are older now we are allowed to bring our […]

Temple To The Barrel (Part 1) →  June 16, 2008

It’s cold on his skin but smooth as it slightly shivers on his forehead. He’s been in this position many times before but this time it’ll end a little different. He releases a slow breath, half-sigh, half-disgust. He raises his eye to meet his masked assailant’s. There is no fear in her eyes as she […]

→  June 13, 2008

Alright… I don’t usually go off about things, or at least I haven’t in a while. I’ve basically kept myself under the radar and avoided anything dramatic for my own mental stability. However, when it comes to my family I have a hard time sitting back and not saying anything. I have a father who, […]

→  April 20, 2008

This analogy came to me when my son broke a pot with a plant in it that had taken 2 months to finally sprout. Love is like gardening.  And each relationship is a plant.  I’m dealing with a plant with a pot that I broke long ago.  It was my all-time favorite plant.  For some […]