Top 10 Quotes: #3 “You may be deceived if…

August 11th, 200812:06 pm @

“You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough.” ~Frank Crane

Over the past few years I have discovered what this really says.  I had a friend that I trusted too much too quickly, allowed her to move in with me, and got deceived in ways that I never thought any one person would do to another.  I still don’t understand the reasoning behind it, but I did learn my lesson.  When you give someone all your trust too quickly it’s too overwhelming and you don’t really see the person that is actually in front of you.  Trust should be earned, although on the immediate hand if you don’t give any of that trust, you will live in torment and never really give it no matter how much the other person shows they’ve earned it.
